We can have two reactions to tribulation - we can be OVER-WHELMED if we focus on the details of the difficulty and potential pain and suffering about to occur; or,
we can allow ourselves to be OVER-WHOMED by focusing upon
the One WHO holds our lives in the palm of His hand.
When our focus in upon Him - this is our reaction:
"who can be against us?" "What can separate us from His love for us?"
"Thou wilt keep in PERFECT PEACE him whose mind is steadfast
because he is staid upon THEE!"
We should check our reactions to sudden difficulty to learn where our focus is.
Are we seeing WHAT might happen or are we seeing
Him Whose grace is always sufficient?
We will nearly always submit to what we have focused our thoughts upon. If we focus upon the danger or the difficulty facing us, we will submit ourselves to fear and our actions will indicate where our focus is.
When we become more conscious of His sufficient grace than we our of the degree of difficulty we are in our, actions will begin to reflect the calm assurance derived from focusing upon the One WHOSE love nothing can sever.
"Though a thousand fall at my left hand, ten thousand at my right hand
it will not come near me."
May we learn to cease being overwhelmed by
the WHATS of life
and be steadfastly OVERWHOMED by
the HIM of LIFE!