Seeing the Cause but Missing the Cure
Perception of the keenest kind is little to avail
When focused on the causes that explain just why we fail
To recognize the reason even if we are correct
Falls short of grace and power any weakness to perfect
We might can see the root of sin’s depravity to blame
And point our righteous finger all at Adam we defame
But little do we realize that this insight so sure
Does barely more than medicate the cause without a cure
Hearts of Flesh Bleed
I’d rather have pain than porosis (hardness)
It’s better to hurt than be hard
If I would be formed in His image
Like Him I'll be bruised and be scarred
Since my Lord was made perfect through suffering
Then even in this let me share
Taste His grief, feel his pain through men's buffering
Till pride of self worth is laid bare
For stony hearts wince not at chastening
But scourgings make hearts of flesh bleed
And broken hearts yield to this mercy
While proud hearts stay blind to their need
Lord save me from vain love of comfort
And take from me my heart of stone
I know hearts of flesh know more suffering
But they also feel love like Your own
A Symphony of One
Make us a symphony of One
Focused upon One conductor
Tuned to One concert pitch
Submitted to One tempo
Content to play One part
Perfected to One sound
Resulting in One purpose
The praise of our Composer
The Treasure
While others scratch the surface and remain fast asleep
Rare men proclaim that there is Treasure in the mine
Many say remain where you are and you will be fine
Few men dig through these tunnels though they’ve seen little proof
While simple men laugh and say “we already have truth”
Men hang there and hammer away at the rock
While simple men stay on the surface and mock
The Choice
The choice is set before us
It’s one that each must make
The Father has been calling
There’s a fruit that you must takeSelf
Self is there to help you, he will not let you die
this carrying of your cross he says to you is but a lie
He says you need to nurture him and help him to survive
He says you need to feed him and help him stay alive
so give up this carrying of your cross and this nailing to the wood
Self tells you he is tired and you can quit this race
But another says continue on my child and your cross embrace
Under God's Mighty Hand
Under the mighty hand of my Father
There is the place of refuge sure
Near Him no threat of evil can bother
Secure through His love all hells endure
Under the mighty word of my Father
Settles the storm of my anxious thought
Shielded through faith all fiery darts smother
Fullness of joy and rest are wrought
Under the mighty power of my Father
Broken of independent pride
Find in His shadow life like no other
Surrendered to Christ and crucified
Under the mighty light of my Father
The mystery of faith begin to see
The fullness of grace all found in my Brother
His yielded life - His authority
STOP to consider what you left in store
for others...
Have you left dishes for others to do?
Have left a mess that others must pass through?
Did things get left out by the bathroom sink?
Have you filled the garbage and left it to stink?
Have you broken something and have not made it known?
Are you removing something that is not your own?
Have you swept the dirt tracked all over by your shoe?
Have you turned off the oven and closed the fireplace flew?
How Deep?
How deep will we go when Jesus wants all the things we love?
Will we hold onto something from below and to sacrifice that which is from above?
Oh the things we cling to and cherish so very dear,
are often our favorite idols which should truly make us fear.
For we will sacrifice our gifts from God on the very things that take our life:
our time, our money, our strength, and our heart for pleasure with spiritual strife.
On the Path
There is a finish line and prize to see,
but only for those who from darkness flee.
Some run with zeal to make it there fast,
but they miss the mark when they run on past.
Other meander and walk very slow,
always lagging behind and having further to go.
From time to time people go off to the right,
into the darkness and way out of sight.
On the other hand some go on toward the left,
away from the safety of the solid rock cleft.