The Treasure
While others scratch the surface and remain fast asleep
Rare men proclaim that there is Treasure in the mine
Many say remain where you are and you will be fine
Few men dig through these tunnels though they’ve seen little proof
While simple men laugh and say “we already have truth”
Men hang there and hammer away at the rock
While simple men stay on the surface and mock
The Choice
The choice is set before us
It’s one that each must make
The Father has been calling
There’s a fruit that you must takeValidating the Gospel in Modesty
View Video Version or Listen to Audio Version
Message delivered on Sunday February 24, 2008 in the adult Sunday school class at
Trinity Baptist Church,160 Changebridge Road, Montville, NJ 07045.
One area that has marked our life together which has also both validated and illustrated the power of the gospel in days gone by has been the decided modesty and the distinctive femininity of the dress and the demeanor of the women in this church, the decided modesty and the distinctive femininity.
However, in the past year or two there has been a marked erosion among us in both of these areas. We have had men come to us vexed in their hearts and in their minds as they struggle to maintain mental purity before God, eyes that do not become the inlet of lust on the basis of what they see.
Is it hard to be thankful?
Have you noticed how hard it is to be thankful when you really aren’t thankful?
Oh, we might think that we are doing a good job convincing ourselves that we are thankful but deep down we know that we really aren’t thankful. We might think that we are doing a good job convincing those around us that we are thankful but in reality they probably know that we are struggling and we really aren’t thankful. We probably even think at times that we can convince God that we are thankful, when we are not, but He cannot be deceived – He knows better.
Understanding our Endowment
News - November 21, 2010
~ Summary Index ~
1. Godly Christian Ministries Launched
2. Godly Christian Music - Site Updates
3. Godly Christian Music - New Songs
4. Prayer Requests
1. Godly Christian Ministries Launched
After several months of work and countless delays, the new
www.GodlyChristianMinistries.com website has been launched. There are
several significant improvements to the site in its breadth of
material and functionality. It is much easier to add content to the
site and as a result, you can expect to see the site steadily grow in
the future. As new content is added to the site, it will initially
appear in the main blog and then it will filter into all the
categories. Check it out and find out where a good portion of my time
has been going over this last season...
2. Godly Christian Music - Site Updates
There has been several changes to www.GodlyChristianMusic.com in
the last two weeks. Though some of the changes are only behind the
scenes, most of them are quite visible.
New Copyright System
I have added a much more thorough copyright/permissions system into
the site which can be customized by each artist. On a regular basis,
I receive emails asking questions pertaining to copyright issues and
receiving permission to use the music for special purposes. The new
copyright system that I have set it place should help everyone know
exactly what they can use the music for and the guidelines they must
New Link 2 Us Page
If you have ever wanted to place a link to Godly Christian Music on
your website, it has never been easier. The new Link 2 Us page has
several different standard banner sized picture links with
corresponding html codes that can easily be pasted into your website.
Aesthetics and Fixes
There have been a few bugs in the appears of the site for some time
which have now been resolved. In addition, there has been several
things that have been spelled wrong both on various pages and within
the database. I have been taking the time to fix all the little
things I can find.
Upcoming Updates...
I am going to be looking into creating a new music player on the
site and also creating a system to utilize ID3 tags for mp3 file. For
those of you who don't know what ID3 tags are, they the things that
allow your mp3 player and computer to automatically know and sort your
music by title, artist, album, and genre. Once the system is in
place, all the files on the site should have ID3 tags.
3. Godly Christian Music - New Songs
This last month and a half has been extremely busy when it come to
add more music up to the site. There were 6 new artists that were
added to the site and 4 existing artists have posted more songs as
well. Overall, nearly 100 songs were added to www.GodlyChristianMusic.com
since the last update. The music will continue to come as well,
because there are artists that are still waiting to post up their
music and I am building a line of people for the Godly Christian Music
Recording Studio. Joe Garrity and Daniel Martin have been in the
studio and I am currently mixing their music...
Check out the new songs by each of the artists. They are all very
talented and each one offers a little different style that may fit you
just right.
Susan Hawthorne - (9 new songs)
Company of Saints - (3 new songs)
The Voice of God (non-English: Tamil) - New Artist (27 songs)
Jeff Wooldridge - (12 new songs)
Faithland - New Artist (11 new songs)
Naked Like Adam - New Artist (1 song)
Paul Dreisbach - (1 song)
Monro - New Artist (1 song)
Rob Haymes - New Artist (16 songs)
Engelbrecht Family - New Artist (16 songs)
4. Prayer Requests
Sometimes working on the sites can get a little overwhelming. This
last month has been one of the most intense month on the computer I
have had in a while. Between launching the new site and all the
updates to the music site, I am thoroughly amazed I can still sit in
front of the computer to type this update and be smiling in the
God has been good and merciful and I am excited to see what He
continues to do through this work. Nevertheless, I am becoming
continually aware of His presence to correct and to guide me
throughout my day. As I make it my ambition to please Him and not to
build a ministry, I find deeper peace and joy in the midst of all the
Thank you for all who have prayed for me when I was having
difficulties sleeping. I have been sleeping well over the last while
and am healthy.
Please be praying that I come to a deeper place of peace. I want
my life to please God in the very deepest things within my heart and
at times I still respond to trials according to the flesh. An example
of this would be...I am working on a website and something goes
wrong. In my heart, I groan, I roll my eyes in disgust, and get
anxious. In Philippians 2:14-15 we read, “Do all things without
grumbling or questioning,that you may be blameless and innocent,
children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted
generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.” Though I
have learned to do somethings without grumbling, I still have yet to
do all things without grumbling.
Please pray for me that I may learn how to fully take hold of that
for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. I want to know Christ Jesus
more and my lack of faith in the midst of trials is a hindrance.
Please pray that my faith would increase much more so that I may trust
Him and find greater peace to calm my fears.
Your Servant,
Peter Schrock
Self is there to help you, he will not let you die
this carrying of your cross he says to you is but a lie
He says you need to nurture him and help him to survive
He says you need to feed him and help him stay alive
so give up this carrying of your cross and this nailing to the wood
Self tells you he is tired and you can quit this race
But another says continue on my child and your cross embrace
Overcoming the Troubled Mind
(read time: approx. 6 minutes)
One of the greatest battlegrounds that Christians face is the mind. Struggling with thoughts can often sway emotions and dictate the quality of our day. Difficult thoughts are stirred up the most when people hurt or misunderstand us. It is during these times that our minds begin to race and our emotions start to flare. The feeling can be quite overwhelming and its power to captivate us is frequently very strong. While in this sea of turmoil it can be nearly impossible to stop ourselves from thinking evil thoughts about others. Nevertheless, there is a way out of this cycle which can liberate our minds and free our emotions. The key to victory in this battle is love.
Love in Conflict
Which LUSTS will you live by?
"...that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which being corrupted according to..."
"I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims hold yourselves away from..."
...But flee from
- Miscellaneous
Words creatively ordered in rythem and rhyme stem out beyond the ordinary and transcend their writer's time. This unique collection of poetry will encourage, inspire, and spur you on to know Christ Jesus in His fullness.
Books are works which people often take the utmost care to articulate the deepest truths. This collection of books should prove insightful and inspiring. More books should be added over time...so come looking for more!
Videos capture truth in ways that nothing else can. Here you will find a collection of videos that will challenge and inspire you to experience God in all His fullness.
Darkness hides the truth in so many people's lives, but when the light shines it drives out the darkness. The Christian articles written here will help to illuminate your path and open your eyes to see what has been hidden...
Find out what is new with Godly Christian Ministries.